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Saturday, December 8, 2018
The Burning Magus (Blue Unicorn #3) by Don Allmon
JT and Austin are
finally facing one of the worst demons of their lives - the wizard Firelight
and the heist that went so wrong. The man who killed Austin’s sister, the man
who imprisoned them, the man who experimented on them. Now it’s time for a
rescue rescue - and a time to do it right
I’ve said it before,
one of the difficult parts of writing a review of a series is when you love the
same thing about the books - because how do you write a review without being
repetitive? Take the Blue Unicorn Series - how do I write this review
without repeating what I’ve already written twice before?
Because everything I
said there still applies. I love this magical cyperpunk world (I am so
desperate to start playing Shadowrun every time I play this game). I love the
mix of the magical and the technological. I love how the internet is almost a
parallel dimension with such real life applications. I love how hacking and
spellcasting feel so similar. I love how we can have the combination of druids
and wizards with weird sea god patrons. I love the combination of the giant,
terrifying dragon and the virtual godzilla which has almost as much destructive
potential even though it only exists in cyberspace. This magical cyberpunk
setting is excellent
And the dystopian
elements are really well maintained as well - there’s no grand “the world is
over!” drama nor are they travelling a lot to show the broken world like we saw
in Apocalypse
Ally. But still there are
references, among all the excellent high tech world building, that makes it
clear the nations we’re used to no longer exist, that for all the shiny
technology there’s also a lot of desperation and poverty and evidence of
things being broken - especially looking at Austin and JT’s past
I also really like
the plot. This is a heist book - preparing the team, checking all their skills,
balancing everyone, having everyone use their various abilities to get it all
together and make it work. And then it all going wrong. Of course it all has to
go wrong. But before that I think it’s really cunning and imaginative and was
great fun to watch - I think I’d like to see these characters perform successful
heists, no violence, just to see them succeed and all the imagination and
intelligence. The heist is great.
We also have all the
characters here, all prominent in various ways. I think we have a three way
protagonist - Austin, JT and Dante with Comet and Buzz being prominent but
taking a back seat. I think that was a good plan because this helps us delve a
lot into the various character’s issues - we have Dante dealing with being both
an Orc (and seen as less and facing a lot of stereotyping) and a Black woman
who has also been injured and disabled. She has moments of self doubt, a lot of
thinking that she’s unworthy or incapable. She feels out of place but still
fights back against that and reasserts her own worth and strength while also
showing off their own capability
JT and Austin are gay
and in a relationship - if you can call the hot mess of them together a
relationship. And I like the messiness - because the messiness definitely
follows through their own issues, the issues with elven glamour, their own
utter denial and fear of scaring the other away, their own lack of self worth
and their own tragic childhood. I know I’m not a fan of over dramatic
relationships - but usually that’s because they are usually so very convoluted
and unnecessary. But these work, this drama is based solidly on their
characters and characterisation - it makes sense.
4.5 Fangs,
blue unicorn series,
book review,
don allmon,
Friday, December 7, 2018
Doctor Who, Season 11, Episode 8: The Witchfinders
3.5 Fangs,
Doctor Who,
time travel,
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Charmed: Season 1, Episode 8: Big a Boo
After last episode
the sisters chase after the apparent lightning demon with the Scythe but she
has shields and teleportation and is juuuust a little out of their league. So
they stop and regroup and head back to the house
Which would make
sense if lightning woman didn’t have the power to open that evil prison cell -
which she does
I mean, regrouping is
sensible. Regrouping when your quarry is about to do something apocalyptic?
Slightly less so.
So back to the house
and calling the elders - Charity - to try and brainstorm what bad wrong naughty
things are happening. This will largely involve Mel and will be important. But
this being Charmed each sister has a storyline so let’s jump on those
first. And they are both free to go do their thing and live their lives
because, unlike ol Charmed the powers that be seem ok with them having
normal lives.
So - Maggie issue. Or
rather Maggie and Parker. Parker is the New Cole, only more angsty and dying
from his Humanness. We have this established with a scene with his evil dad,
Alistair McEvilName and his older full demon brother, Hunter. And while
Alistair is all pissy that he can’t make Maggie do his bidding, his evil demon
shapeshifting smoke brother is really supportive and protective of his baby
half-demon brother
Which is kind of
weird because he’s also worried that his baby brother is really falling for
Maggie which only humans do - this whole caring emotional thing isn’t demonic.
Except Hunter obviously cares about his brother and they don’t see the
contradiction of that.
Anyway apparently to
help Parker live he needs a serum made up of the Charmed One’s blood and he
needs it soon as he’s definitely getting worse. While trying to get Maggie a
job with his company in Chicago and then a fake drug test (using blood? Not
urine?) fails, just saying he’s dying and needs a plasma donation so of course
Maggie volunteers (it helps that he’s always thinking JUUUUST the right
thoughts when she touches him. Honestly, telepathy on these shows makes me
think my brain is even weirder than I know it to be - someone reading my mind
wouldn’t get useful coherent thoughts but coffee obsessions, random fantasies
and freaky non-sequiter questions about camels in Peru).
Not only does this
get him Maggie’s blood, but Mel donates at the same time so bonus. + 10 points
for Parker
Along the way Maggie
decides she doesn’t actually want to go to Chicago to work or as an intern over
the summer as she’d much rather spend the summer with her sisters since they
could all die at any time.
Which brings us to
Macy. She’s working away and her boss looks at this hardworking employee
putting in unpayed overtime and declares that she needs a better work life
balance! Go home you can totally be a workaholic later! Uh-huh. I’ll believe in
witches, magic and all kinds of demons but I’m not buying this boss being all
concerned her staff are working too hard.
Maggie agrees and
thinks Macy needs to date more and be more outgoing and fabulous (and also
touches Macy’s hair which Macy quickly tells her is a complete no-no and should
not be happening which is nicely addressed) in part to try and get her to sign
up for a dating app. Macy is reluctant, pointing out that because of sexual
racism, Black women and Asian men are the least likely to be swiped on dating
apps and it’s not worth her time… at least it’s not worth her time until Maggie
agrees to the do the dishes
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Legacies: Season 1, Episode 5: Malivore
So, Alaric is off
doing some monster wrangling, leaving the school in the hands of his students
This man has no idea
how to headmaster or how schools are supposed to work
Anyway he’s worried
that the students don’t think they have enough power in their lives so he’s
going to set up a Student Council with 1 witch, 1 vampire, 1 werewolf and Emma
(or Emily? Honestly this character is so irrelevant I’m not looking it up) to
represent the little kids.
And this Council will have the power to free Kaleb (who is locked up for feeding on humans) and deciding whether to kick Landon out.
Uh… Student Councils
shouldn’t have this kind of power. This is not how they work.
So it’s
electioneering. Lizzie goes all out for the witch candidate - not actually
campaigning, she expects Josie to do it. Lizzie just accepts it as her due that
she will win because she’s just that special.
MG is campaigning for
himself because he wants to free Kaleb and stop feeling guilty about him being
locked up.
Rafael, meanwhile, is
running around trying to convince people who are going to be council members to
vote to keep Landon around. This involves Lizzie blackmailing him to go on a
date with her which is more than a little creepy, MG agreeing - and Rafael
trying to convince the werewolf alpha (who will obviously win the werewolf
vote) but Jed is an arsehole and refuses to even listen because he treats the
pack as his servants, including making them do his home work. So, obviously,
Rafael beats him in single combat and becomes the new alpha.
Hope is continuing to
test Landon for any kind of supernatural woo-woo and getting nowhere. He has no
apparent supernatural abilities and the truth spell she uses reveals he knows
nothing about his ancestry (has only a picture of his mother), has no
abilities, no idea why he’s glamour proof and no idea why he wants the knife.
They also bond over their mutual suspicion of others and inability to trust
because of painful childhoods.
Interestingly Hope
does a legacy spell on him to check his lineage for magic and finds none. Which
Emma considers weird because everyone has a little.
This lack of
supernatural powers is a problem because Jed blames him for losing his alphadom
and he beats Landon up. Hope becomes super concerned about him and whether he
feels safe at this school. Landon says yes. The lie detector spell says no
And my gods why hasn’t the eternally paranoid Klaus got one of these? WHY?! Like 80% of the Originals plot lines could have been solved by one of these.
So the Council
election: Rafael becomes the werewolf leader no surprise there. But Kaleb wins
the vampire leader which may point to the vampires really not being happy with
Alaric. MG is super sad since he only wanted to make up with Kaleb. And the
witch vote goes to… Josie
Turns out that Evil
Ex Penny has been campaigning for Josie above Lizzie. Lizzie is devastated and
super upset and Josie tries to comfort her and even offers to give up the role
for Lizzie - and Lizzie doesn’t refuse but apparently Lizzie wasn’t even the
runner up. Penny, when she rubs salt in that wound is right, the witches don’t
think Lizzie will represent them. And she’s not wrong - Lizzie is very self
focused. But the main reason why Penny hates Lizzie is because of how she
treats Josie - Josie exists to serve and support Lizzie. We’ve already seen
Josie backing off Rafael because Lizzie is interested and, as Penny points out,
Lizzie didn’t even pause to see whether Josie would like to be council head
before running for it.
Maybe Penny won’t be
so demonised.
2.5 Fangs,
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
The Walking Dead: Season 9, Episode 8: Evolution
3.5 Fangs,
The Walking Dead,
Monday, December 3, 2018
Z Nation, Season 5, Episode 9: Water Keepers
Today Z Nation
is taking our merry band of misfits to a Native American tribe
It’s at this point my
sense of cringe rises and I look for a way I can pass the episode to Renee and
otherwise try to do anything I can to avoid the embarrassing awfulness that has
a good chance of following.
I bit the bullet and…
it wasn’t that bad? Exactly. Compared to my expectations
So 10k and Doc are
captured and we’re introduced to a random captured Talker rambling incoherently
about saboteurs. They’re rescued by George and Warren and then there’s arrows
and Native American warriors in full war paint. And I’m duly wary that we’re
going to go full woo-woo
But while several
warriors do wear war paint, this is more something they’ve integrated into
their culture as a separate tribe and people but not to become a full on
stereotype: these 21st century Navajo (the language referenced) haven’t
suddenly stripped back to some Hollywood impressed of what pre-colonisation
All of this said from the point of view of a reviewer who is super not informed enough about Native Americans in general or Navajo specifically to say this is good or bad - just that it is much less awful than I anticipated. Because I expected worse
We also have several
characters from the much much worse Grand
Canyon episode, Kuruk and
Ayalla. Ayalla spends lots of time with 10k, getting him a new antler hand with
a little bit of woo-woo but mainly Ayalla mocking him for his adorable naivety
and how easily she can confuse and trick him by referring to silly woo-woo
which he takes seriously despite being ridiculous. It’s a nice send up of
Native American stereotypes. And, yes, 10k is just impossibly adorable.
The rest of the gang
meets Kuruk and she and Doc kind of circle around some very not there chemistry
can we not. But Kuruk lays out the conflict - they are constantly being
attacked by zombies and Talker saboteurs are attacking the dam cutting off
power and water.
There’s another
conflict with Kuruk wanting to leave to save her people while Eddie, her dad,
insisting that they should stay with their ancestors (spiritual, Talker and
Zombie) and their own homeland. Largely to draw upon lots and lots of
references to Native Americans being driven from their lands which is grossly
unsubtle but, at the same time, does it need to be? We don’t need to subtly
weave in why these Native Americans may be invested in holding onto this land
for big historical reasons - there’s no problem with it being overt. There’s a
similar ongoing conflict between whether to trust Newmerica because, again,
many many many betrayed treaties. When George tries to invoke the agreement
between Newmerica and the Native Americans, Kuruk is quick to snap that no way
is she to use the word “treaty”. Again, it’s not subtle and equally, subtlety
isn’t required.
This links into
survival again, though, because Eddie doesn’t just want to stay on their land
but thinks they need to work with Newmerica because there’s simply not enough
of them to go it alone. Which may be true - but this kind of feels like a lot
of handwaving. Like, at the end of the episode Kuruk is totally in to George’s
vision and supporting Newmerica which kind of feels like all that unsubtle but
necessary references have all been resolved - rather than Kuruk being more
“look we need this, we’ll work with you but we’re also totally watching you”
which i think would both keep them on side while still preserving these
messages of reasonable distrust of agreements and warily guarding their
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Silver Silence (Psy/Changeling # 16 Psy/Changeling: Trinity #1) by Nalini Singh
Silver Marcant is the
scion of the power, influential, Marcant family. She is also the assistant of
Kaleb Krycheck, de facto leader of the Psy. She also runs the global emergency
response network
She is a busy woman
She has little time
for people trying to kill her, or big clumsy werebears trying to insert
themselves into her life
This book marks the
transition of the Psy/Changeling series into the new series, the Trinity era -
and I really have to praise how excellently this has been structured, as I
referred to in Allegiance of Honour the transition book in the series.
That book excellently summed up where nearly everyone was in their lives, the
position of the world and what would be the new conflict coming forwards. The
overarching story of the last 15 books has been the fall of Silence
Silence is over.
Silence is done, that chapter is closed and with Allegiance of Honour
setting up the new foundation we have the new conflict: what happens now? Where
is the world? Especially as it becomes apparent that the different races need
to be more united than ever
Behold the Trinity -
where Silence has fallen and the whole world has changed - and with it the
whole tone of the series is much broader as well. The previous series felt more
focused… we had a couple and the werewolf pack/psy group they were part of. And
it was pretty much localised. Yes there was the fall of Silence, but largely
the battle against Silence for most of the Psy characters for most of the books
has been survival. Even the Arrows, the Shapeshifter packs, Devraj Santos’s
hidden group, are all stories of survival (well and romance, obviously).
Survival against the evils of Psy Society, against discovery and occasionally
about their survival against their own exploding psy abilities. Yes society is
changing in the background but that’s more a side effect of their quest for
survival rather than a goal they’re actively pursuing until the last few books
And so now we have Trinity and I think branching a whole new series was the ideal way to do that and emphasise how the foundational theme of the series has changed. Trinity, forged from the Humans, Changelings and Psy to create a more hopeful, united future. And paradoxically, a more diverse one (in terms of factions): the Psy have somewhat broken or, rather, with the fall of the Council the divisions have become more relevant. We don’t have “the psy” we have the Arrows and the Empath Collective and the Nightsky group and Kaleb’s faction suddenly being more individually defined even as they work together. Or the shapeshifter packs who are distinct entities rather than the unity of the Wolves and Leopards. I think they’ve always been so divided but rarely were they all so involved in the close, personal focus of the previous books.
Which brings me to
the excellent choice of Silver as the protagonist for this book - Silver
Mercant so nicely bridges all of this and brings the new collective focus on
several factions since she’s the head of the global emergency network while she
herself is both perfectly aligned with Kaleb Krycheck while at the same time
being a member of the powerful Mercant family which is allied with him but
definitely not in his pocket. Silver represents the different factions being
balanced but ultimately acting in unity that truly defines this new series.
She’s an excellent choice of protagonist to herald in this new era
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