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Saturday, December 22, 2018
Legacies: Season 1, Episode 7: Death Keeps Knocking on My Door
Ok, this show angers
me. It actively angers me. Not the teen drama not the classic CW obsession with
a main character Hope and her specialness. No, what annoys me so much are the
so-called teachers in this school who are utterly terrible (also there’s like
only three of them? Three for all these students?) and this episode is pushing
me over the edge
So, this is
Remembrance day at the school where everyone writes letters to dead loved ones
and can they maybe address the fact that most of student body has a herd of
dead people to write letters to. Is one school councillor sufficient?
Also someone may want
to maybe cancel this whole ceremony focused on death thing when you have an
actual necromancer in the basement. Maybe? Because he does what is entirely
predictable and summons a dead person to hit people in the feels. In this case,
he summons Cassie, Raphael’s dead girlfriend
Hey, remember how Jo
buried Josie alive because she was controlled by the necromancer? Well a good
thing everyone’s learned from this and carefully guards Cassie and are also
prepared for more murderous zombies running about
Oh, they’re just
going to let Cassie walk around and not have any preparations for more zombies?
Ok, that totally won’t come back to bite anyone at all.
So Raphael is
obviously super emotional about this but Hope leaves him because she’s busy
with her own things. That leaves Raphael to beg Alaric to do something about
making her permanent but Alaric has SOME capacity for learning and points out
she could be evil or used for evil. I mean he doesn’t take any precautions
against her, but he recognises the evil. Soooo…
Cassie does talk to
Raphael about her death - she blames him. But as they talk she also forgives
him: she isn’t trying to punish him or make him feel bad but trying to get him
to see the truth. She died in a car accident which happened because he got
jealous, got angry and drove recklessly. And while he tries to put his rage
down to being a werewolf and he’s better now she points out he just had a rage
moment. He has a lot of growing to do and he needs to acknowledge that.
He turns to Alaric
for this. Good luck with that
While I roll my eyes
because we have a Black teenaged girl rather convolutedly like an after school
special about how Raphael needs to be a better person. She takes less than 10
seconds to deal with actually being dead. Doesn’t she have any actual
personhood or is she just a narrative tool?
Over to Hope, she has
decided that since Alaric is completely useless at Necromancer questioning
(mainly involves threats of violence to a being that cannot feel pain which is…
not useful) she’s going to use woo-woo to do it for him
And yes Alaric is
going to pout about this. But can you blame Hope? This is how Alaric works -
using the magical gifts of his students to do anything. This is how Alaric
So she recruits MG so
he can do that vampire mind reading stuff which this world setting remembers
like once every 20 episodes and MG agrees despite it being against his better
judgement. Because that’s also how MG works - a servant to the other cast
members who need his shiny vampire powers
There follows much
diving into the Necromancer’s subconscious, Hope mocking him rather well for
his over dramatic posturing, the Necromancer poking Hope’s worries a lot, in
particular where her dead daddy is right now. While she pokes him for being
completely forgotten because that’s what happens to all the creatures of
Malivore. They piece a lot together: Malivore is a place of utter annihilation.
By sentencing a creature to malivore - which happened to the Necromancer with
someone killing him with the knife, you doom that being to the void and
everyone forgets they ever existed. They’re gone and no-one remembers they were
ever there.
2 fangs,
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Forbidden Witches (Tarot Witches #2) by SM Reine
Leah has led a sheltered life… she certainly has
never attended many concerts. But even she’s pretty sure concerts don’t usually
end up with you waking up on the tour bus surrounded by naked people - and sexy
werewolves and witches
I am going to, again, reference my pledge to read every word SM Reine
has ever typed in her entire life ever.
One of the mild downsides to this is the Tarot
Witches series - because this would probably be a series I would never pick up
at any time. It’s a paranormal romance where the romance and sex both is the
focus - and it’s a werewolf romance. And for some reasons there’s something
about the canine and furry that invites the worst tropes round to play. But
with this world, with its complex and overlapping characters, I can’t guarantee
some of these characters won’t be super relevant later. Especially since the
underlying concept of the Tarot witches is really intriguing - these witches
who have some kind of plot to resolve linked to these destiny predicting Tarot
cards. All of these women can be extremely different people, facing massively
different challenged with this woo-woo bringing the disparate women together.
All for a deeper, richer and more mysterious purpose
And damn it I want to know what that mysterious
purpose is! This is the world with the whole godslayer narrative, an author who
has produced some of the most unique and genre breaking storylines I’ve read
and a world so complicated and interlinked that I NEED to read all of this to
appreciate the vastness and amazingness. Whatever else happens in this series,
I will charge through it because I know some of these elements or characters may
inform the Dana McIntyre Must Die
series or the The War of the Alphas,
I want them to be included, I want to see all these vastness come together
because there’s so much here I love
But… this book really isn’t one of them. It has so
many romance tropes I find unpleasant: inexperienced female ingenou vs experience
male love interest; Magical Mating Bond that get complete strangers to fall in
love without getting to know the slightest thing about it; woman instantly
trusting love interest despite the extreme danger she’s in; man barking orders
and commands and control over woman; woman giving no more than a token protest
to all this. And there’s not even a real story like there was in Caged Wolf.
No dark past to escape, no figure to defeat - no, the meaning of her card is,
not-even-a-spolier, to basically do what her captors say
Yes I said captors. Innocent, naive, Leah, good
mormon girl with only a couple of ex-boyfriends and little experience in the
rock star lifestyle goes to a concert at the urgings of her Gay Best Friend
(yes a gay character. Yes, he’s a walking stereotype. No he does nothing in the
book except be Leah’s friend. We even open to him giving her a make over.
Actually that’s pretty much all he does). There because of woo-woo she’s given
VIP treatment which means getting this very naive woman drunk (at one point
tipping her head back and pouring alcohol down her throat when she seems
reluctant) after which she gets heavily groped by two men and sat in a bus
witnessing. No she didn’t say no. But she was extremely drunk as she makes
clear on multiple occasions. This is not ok.
And when she falls asleep that bus drives off and
leaves the state. And when she expresses a wish to leave she is denied. As we
go on she is repeatedly stopped from leaving and even physically picked up and
carried by her love interest when she tries to leave. And then tied up. Her
protests to this are minimal… and seconds after being restrained they decide
her sexy smell is distracting so it’s necessary to make her orgasm. If she’s
less horny her smell won’t be distracting, apparently.
Consent is not something that is considered
But, hey, after being kidnapped, restrained and
sexually assaulted she decides the guy doing that to her has too much of an
erection so gives him oral sex. Because “I want to escape!” turns into “oh it’s
only fair if I get you off too!”
0.5 Fangs,
book review,
sm reine,
tarot witches series,
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Van Helsing: Season 3, Episode 10: Outside World
And lo it’s time to
rocket back to the core of our three storylines - Vanessa.
Last episode she
killed a man. And yes she’s killed a lot of people, but this is a man she
killed to eat. Not to protect herself or others, expressly to feed on their
blood. It’s a turning point, especially since her ancestor made it clear that
darkness and vampiriness may be much closer. Which this episode is all about.
First of all with some level of foreshadowing we have the shadowy figure who
appears before Sam and Vanessa. Vanessa assumes that this self-identified seer
is an elder who makes a big speech about how Vanessa’s future hangs in the balance
So when wandering
alone she runs into Mohammed - yes vampire Mohammed. And shockingly, our Honey
Badger reaches out to him and wants to help - specifically she wants to turn
him back human. Yes this is rather a 180 over her refusal to try to turn ancestor
guy back human, but whatever, reasons. Let’s pretend she really really cares
about Mohammed despite them not leaving on the best terms (he sort of betrayed
her for the sake of his sister and it was a whole thing). She chases him
and this becomes a long fight and chase and struggle as Mohammed tries to
escape… and through very bad luck Vanessa fall through a ceiling and impales
herself on a meat hook.
She can’t reach the
hook stuck in her back… every time she tries to lift herself off the hook she
merely drives the hook deeper, bleeding into the floor.
Time passes with
Vanessa unable to save herself… so on comes the hallucination
First up is John. Remember John? He was the arsehold from the first season who was first suspected of being a serial killer. He was also rapist and general arsehole. Vanessa killed him.
3.5 Fangs,
van helsing
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Van Helsing, Season 3, Episode 9: Loud Love
We’re going to the
other half of the split storyline again - so it’s back to Denver.
Julius is officially
done with feeling that guilty over Phil and his big dramatic attempts to commit
suicide. He sneaks into the morgue to free him and cover up that Phil keeps
dying and then reads Phil the riot act. He can keep trying to kill himself but Julius
is done covering it up and will allow the people of Denver to discover he’s a
quasi-immortal and then he can see if vivisection will be the thing to finally
kill him. Phil takes this into consideration and decides to find his wife
Julius is super happy
about this and on cloud nine tries to flirt with Frankie his boss - and we see
some consequences of Julius being a vampire for so long: he has no knowledge of
modern slang. Frankie brushes over this so she can get to climbing that tall,
hot bunch of muscles. Make the most of it Frankie, the fridge is calling.
Phil goes to the
record office to find his wife and is told it will take several days. To which
Phil responds with a deeply menacing death threat. This is a foreboding warning
of things to come… he learns his wife has beens shipped to Loveland. A prison
camp where people never ever come back. And Phil can’t go there unless he
commits a heinous crime
Yeah… that was
probably not the best advice to give. He promptly shoots the guard giving him
this advice and then gives himself up so he can be taken to the prison camp.
As an aside we also
learn that Denver keeps track of your “debt” and you’re not allowed to leave
until you’ve paid up. Including the “debt” you accrue while eating while in
Another person facing
imprisonment is Jolene. Jolene has been handing out pamphlets warning people
that the vampire repellent they all are injected with causes psychotic breaks.
Jolene has no regrets, she will continue to inform her patients of the risk.
This isn’t really a crime but no-one cares and she’s locked up - so Caitlyn can
control Sarah and her brilliance.
Caitlyn openly says
this to Sarah’s face and Sarah begins her Done Era. She demands a captured
vampire and a gene sequence - barking angry orders at Caitlyn in a nice little
power play. She gets her sequencer - with ominous words from Caitlyn about
their power and reach. Sarah doesn’t care much, she gets the elder blood gene
sequenced, does some weird experiments with the angry vampire - which she then
uses to murder Caitlyn
Including letting the
vampire bite Caitlyn, killing the vampire, watching her feel the pain of
turning… and then kills her. Do not piss her off - she does not take prisoners.
She then tries to
rescue Jolene - but she’s being shipped to Loveland in the evacuation.
Well -first let’s
catch up with Axel and the survivors who are derailed in their trip to Denver
by Kit going into labour. There are complications in pregnancy… and when their
uneducated attempts to turn the baby fail they resort to caesarian section.
Which is, of course, a commonly used and success medical procedure in 21st
century hospitals… and pretty much guarantees the death of the mother when
performed by non-medical personnel, in non-medical settings without medical
tools, drugs or even herbs.
And Kitt dies
And while it is very sad and emotionally powerful it is surprisingly rare to see dystopians acknowledge things like how dangerous childbirth is when you don’t have 21st century technology and resources.
Of course it also
means that Kitt has existed entirely to be a baby dispensary. Baby has now been
dispensed so she can shuffle off. They continue to Denver where Axel drops them
off and goes his merry way. The rest of them go into Denver and notice that all
their defences are very good against vampires who die under ultraviolet light
and pretty much useless against day walkers.
3 Fangs,
van helsing
Monday, December 17, 2018
Z Nation: Season 5, Episode 11: Hackerville
Time to follow this
nonsensical storyline further - they need to bypass Altura’s security so they
have gone to Hackersville, an old telephone switching centre which is now
occupied with Hackers who have been hacking into Altura’s systems. At one point
we even see people using mobile phones
To which I have to
ask… how?! Why? For most of this series people have been hard pressed to even
find electricity - and a radio mast is something unique and special. The whole
power of Citizen Z was that he still had the technology to speak to the world.
So where did this all come from?
And why does Altura
even have public network? How are the Hackers attacking this? Why does Altura
have a network that isn’t self-contained? Given that outposts are pretty self
sufficient in this new world, why would it have any kind of open internet which
the hackers can access? And why would they connect their CCTV to it? My own
firm doesn’t link their CCTV to the internet! Why is Altura? Why can Altura connect
to the internet?
But hey let’s not let
common sense get in the way of a plot. So they go see the Hackers and
shenanigans ensue. There’s a series of geeky clues to get in which is solved by
George kicking down the door. The head of the hackers can be a little awkward
but Warren keeps pointing a gun at him. Because she has no time for arguments.
Also Citizen Z is super protective of Kaya and it’s nice to see the power of
their love… but at the same time there’s way too much jealousy about it all
There’s a brief
attack by zombies and some nifty drones hunting them down which everyone loves
except Warren who has no time for these nonsenses.
Between them they do
guide Kaya through Altura and past the security to find Estes’s laptop. There
they find about his plan for “The Final Mercy” which has some unpleasant words
about elimination. This is not good.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Lies Sleeping (Rivers of London #7) by Ben Aaronovitch
The Faceless Man,
Martin Chorley, is moving closer and closer to his mysterious but doubtlessly
destructive final goal. But the Folly has gathered all its resources, all it
connections to begin Operation Jennifer which will final stop him once and for
And Peter Grant,
detective constable and apprentice wizard, boyfriend to a river goddess is
going to be in the centre of the front line
I like Peter a lot,
as a character. There’s so many aspects to him which are so refreshing and fun
to read. Perhaps most surprising of them is he’s a person. A real person with a
life. He’s a police detective and a wizard but he also goes home to his mum for
dinner and fending off her massively spicy Sierra Leonian cooking. He has a
pint. He goes home to Beverley. In a genre where so many people, especially
detectives, seem to just exist for the drama, he actually has a home life. He’s
not sitting there declaring “I am Police! My Life Is Fighting The Crime!”
I also like that he’s
a good man - and how he’s a good man. Peter isn’t naive. He knows there are
times when being a bit of a bastard would be more effective and safer. He
overtly thinks that there would be a better way to do things - but those would
involving not caring for people, not following the rules and, ultimately, not
being a good man. Peter isn’t a fool and is aware that he is sometimes actively
making his life more difficult and dangerous -but these rules matter to him. But
nor is he self-righteous, he doesn’t think he’s better than other people, he
isn’t judgemental. He’s hopeful without being naive and he’s cynical without
being bitter. He doesn’t expect the world to be better but he is determined to
make it better. And oh my gods, can I say how much I love seeing a fictional
police officer who cares about the rules? It seems to be a staple of fiction to
have the police break the rules gleefully and we’re supposed to support it. I
like to see a fictional police officer who actually cares about the law. I
really like how Lesley stands as counterpoint to him - because again she isn‘t
super demonised as all evil - but because maybe she just doesn’t have his same
lines. And she maybe has a point? These rules and laws have been put in place
for completely non-magical people and do they even apply, can they?
And he’s extremely funny and fun with a lot of very wry observations which were hilarious. I love Peter, I love his voice, I love how we get this incredible hard balance of being a good person without being naive or bitter is just hit perfectly. He’s wonderful.
He also fits the
world - this wonderful setting in London, full of research and knowledge and
pure love of the city - but that love is the same as Peter’s goodness. It’s
love that is mixed with cynical knowledge of reality - whether it’s Lesley’s
angry retort that London sucks all the wealth and attention from the rest of
the country or Peter’s cynical knowledge of London Traffic, funding, neglected
areas, some truly awful architecture and more - he sees ALL of it and loves it
despite it.
5 Fangs,
ben aaronovitch,
book review,
rivers of london,
Legacies: Season 1, Episode 6: Mombie Dearest
It’s Lizzie and
Josie’s 16th birthday. Which means a big party and Lizzie making everything
about her as usual. There will be a lot of teen drama about this. Yay.
But there’s still a
story about this shiny knife of why-has-Alaric-kept-this-my-gods-doesn’t-the-supernatural-world-have-someone-more-qualified-to-handle-this-aaargh-I-can’t-even-get-up-without-asking-Hope-for-help
to deal with. And the latest monster to collect the knife is… Alaric’s dead
wife Jo
Jo, as we recall from
the Vampire Diaries trainwreck, is Josie and Lizzie’s mother who was
killed on her wedding day to Alaric by her evil twin (since her whole family
has twins and oh, one is destined to kill the other at age 22 and no-one has
told Lizzie and Josie this yet) and her family magically stuffed the babies
into Caroline’s womb. Vampire Diaries went to some strange places.
Alaric is pretty
suspicious about his dead wife coming back from the dead and points a crossbow
at her. Well, I get the suspicion but, as Jo points out, this is Mystic Falls.
Everyone has come back from the dead at some point. She also makes a hilarious
comment about Alaric looking “seasoned” since he’s 16 years older than she
Alaric tries to keep
this from his daughters but they quickly find out and don’t remotely respect
his no because he’s helpless and useless anyway so discover their biological
mother. Lizzie is kind of hostile to Jo, having the idea that bonding with her
is somehow disloyal to Caroline. While Josie instantly wants a closer
relationship. Alaric wants to keep her away from them until he is sure that Jo
is who she says she is. Which involves testing and that huge huge hugely useful
lie detector orb which really really could have been really super useful in The
Originals. Where were you little plot breaking orb? All the tests point to
her being the real deal
Dorian’s research
does turn up the idea of people being resurrected in order to murder someone
though. So she’s still a risk
Teenaged angst time!
So Hope is all crushing after Landon but at least she is self-aware enough to
recognise this. She also tries to make peace with Rafael - he’s super angry at
her for kicking out Landon for his own good but he also needs Hope’s help. He
agreed to be Lizzies date for the party and, especially since he just slept
with her (which he regrets) he feels he needs to do right by her. Which means
learning all the ornate, rather old fashioned party etiquette which Mystic
Falls loves so much. Hope is happy to teach him since Aunt Rebekkah has a weird
fixation with this kind of nonsense.
This gives them
chance to bond, Rafael admit he’s not all that into Lizzie and Hope to realise
that he’s still mourning for his dead girlfriend and kind of working through
his issues by being afraid of letting Lizzie down. Honestly that amount of
angst means you probably need to not date for a while. Hope seems to agree and
encourages him to be honest with Lizzie
3 Fangs,
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Supernatural: Season 14, Episode 9: The Spear
Time for an epic
opening with an epic voice over from Dean about how they are the people who
monsters are afraid of. Which is, yes, kinda epic. But this is Supernatural.
Epic pre-ambles to any kind of find finale need classic rock. It is known. Know
your brand, Supernatural.
So we have a bit of
domestic moment with Jack eating late night cereal and asking Castiel not to
tell his other dad, Sam, who disapproves of high sugar food. Which is kind of
cute and I think a lot more of these would have done a great job of turning
Jack into someone I actually care about rather than that extra who keeps
tagging along for no apparent reason. But really these scene is for Castiel to
remind Jack not to tell anyone about the deal he made with the Empty
We’re already setting
that up for a lot of angst because Dean is so super happy because they managed
to bring Jack back from the dead and nothing went wrong and they didn’t have to
pay a price and everything is awesome
So that’s definitely
going to be future angst. But can I say again that we have another angst or
personal drama moment that is centring on Dean even when this should be more
Cas’s woe. Dean doesn’t have to be the centre of all.
But we’re back on
track with Michael. Naomi has told them where Michael is. Kansas City. And he
has a new body, a woman’s.
And I’m sure there
are many reasons why anyone, let alone an Archangel, would go to Kansas City
I’m sure.
I don’t know what
they are, but I’m sure they exist. Yes.
Sam has also snuck
Garth into Michaels’ orbit. Since
Garth is a werewolf so fits his whole army of monsters thing. Garth hopes to actually not
consume the Michael Blood/Grace potion… which doesn’t go to plan because it’s
hard to deceive an Archangel and he ends up taking the upgrade potion which is
definitely not going to end well.
Between this spying
they know Michael’s plan - send his army into Kansas city and turn every one
there into more monsters. I am sure there are many… sensible reasons to begin
your invasion of North America in Kansas City…
So the counter plan
is to get the angel-killing spear from Dark Kaia (Dean and Castiel on that) and
Ketch has some mystical golden egg which will help imprison Michael which he’s
put in the post. Yes there are convoluted reasons but he still put it in the
post. Sam and Jack are off to collect that.
Predictably it all
goes horribly horribly wrong
To begin with Sam and
Jack are attacked by Michael and it goes horribly wrong because, well, Michael
is an Archangel which makes him pretty unassailable. He knocks Sam out, doesn’t
kill him because… because… the script says so that’s why! He also destroys the
magical egg so that’s out of the picture. Personally I don’t remember the egg
was in the picture so there’s that.
3 Fangs,
mid season finale,
Friday, December 14, 2018
POC as Origin Story
An ubiquitous element
of the superhero genre is the origin story. How did this extraordinary
individual get these amazing powers? Is he an alien from a dead planet powered
up by our sun? Was he bitten by a radioactive spider? Was she forged from clay
and empowered by the Greek gods? Did he have a ridiculous budget and some
deeply unhealthy coping mechanism after the death of his parents?
In Urban Fantasy we
see a trend of another origin story to explain the special magic a protagonist
has. Being a POC - or having a POC ancestor at very least.
To be clear here,
we’re not talking about having a magical POC protagonist. This is Urban
Fantasy, your characters will have magic or other woo-woo, it’s kind of what
this genre is about and we’re definitely in favour of several of those
characters being POC. Awoke, The
Shadowmancer, The Keys
Trilogy, Rayne
Whitmore Series, World of
the Lupi and many others are not problematic because they have POC who happens
to have magical abilities - far from it. They have magic and are POC but
at no point did the books try to suggest that their woo-woo exists BECAUSE they
are Black or Asian.
Equally we’d expect
many of these POC, their lives and their magic to be affected by their
ethnicity and culture. We love and celebrate books like The Black
Dog’s Drums, which excellently incorporates Yoruba derived religions into the
setting, the world building and the characterisation. The same applies to the Habitat
Series and the Egyptian elements of the Shadowchasers
Series. The Jane
Yellowrock Series links a lot of Jane’s woo-woo to her being Native American - but being
Native American also informs her characterisation and her history. It’s not
just a convenient label to justify her accessing exotic woo-woo. The Changeling
Sisters has a lot of the magic related to Korean, Latinx and Hawai’ian culture
- but that’s because it has Korean, Latinx and Hawai’ian characters whose
ethnicity is an integral part of who they are, the world building and the
story. Ultimately they work because there is considerable research and respect
for the source material - something we can see with depictions of western
mythologies like Irish and Norse in, for example, the Iron Druid Series.
We want more of this,
so much more; with both white and western dominated media there are so many
stories this genre could be telling by integrating POC and the mythologies and
magic of other cultures and I’m still mourning that some of these series have
come to an end.
But that isn’t
achieved by having books treat Voodoun beliefs, Rroma heritage, or Native
American ancestry as the same as a Freak Lab Accident, super-soldier serum or a
Green Lantern Ring.
A glaring example of
this, as well as why it’s so problematic, comes from Midnight Texas.
This has the special prize of having Manfred have his psychic powers in the books because of a Native American ancestry.
And in the TV series because of his Romani ancestry. It says a lot about how a
minority culture has been represented that you can easily exchange one for
another and not really change the story, magic or anything else.
is a common trick in these origin stories - after all, if Superman can get his powers from
being an alien, why can’t Jeremy in the Otherworld series get his hands on some
quasi Japanese Ofuda from his absent Japanese mother? Hemlock
Grove threw in some basic Romani stereotypes to go with their using being
Romani as why characters were psychic and… werewolves somehow. Twilight
is also notorious for creating an entirely fake Native American mythology to
justify the presence of a pack of werewolves. The appalling on several levels Houseof Night series also went with that Native American woo-woo - deciding to
have the protagonist, Zoey, be Cherokee - but only so they could introduce lots
of woo-woo and turquoise and smudge sticks and a whole fake mythology while the
Thompson Series is pretty notorious for treating all the Native Americans in the book
as walking avatars of woo-woo. Literally all of them.
In all of these cases
the actual ethnicity, culture or characterisation that should stem from having
a POC character is absent. The writers weren’t interested in creating fleshed
out, well researched and developed POC characters or in respectfully portraying
and representing non-western cultures in a way that showed research and regard.
They want the woo-woo. They want the different, the exotic, the alien.
In many ways it’s
similar to how many
book and TV series will introduce a monster from a non-western culture for a
more “exotic” episode-of-the-week that we’ve spoken about tbefore… why have a werewolf when you can have
a wendigo? And it shares the same flaws - deciding one of your main
characters is POC or has POC ancestry purely so you have some backstory for
their woo-woo isn’t representation or respectful. It’s appropriative and it’s
belittling - it clearly sends the message that the writers are pretty
indifferent about these actual cultures and just wants something suitably
dehumanised and “exotic”, something that is sufficiently “other” to most of
their readers to justify why they would have such different powers. For DC that
meant an alien from Krypton. For Urban Fantasy a Romani or Cherokee are
considered alien enough.
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