In the juvenile detention facility now turned into a base camp, Sam is setting awards for being the most creepy thing ever. When he was a human serial killer he used to sever things and hide them - now he’s cutting off fingers and threading them into a necklace to wear. No more hidden monster Sam - vampire Sam is embracing his evilness.
Felix is utterly terrified - and this terror is perfectly acted - with added horror as Sam calls him “Mohammed” and tries to teach him sign language. It’s all very very very very very creepy and disturbing. Sam tries to ingratiate himself by whipping the leader who whipped Felix, but Felix stops him after three lashes - and the leader is killed. Sam keeps up gestures of caring, putting a jacket on Felix when he’s cold, hugging Felix and, yes, creepy. So very creepy.
Felix does make an attempt to free the remaining captives, cleverly luring Sam to where he can lock him up so he can break open the door where the others are captured - but Sam gets free quickly and decides to restyle Felix’s hair to match Mohammed. When Felix keeps telling Sam his name is Mohammed, Sam cuts out his tongue.
Yes, all the creepy
Over to Vanessa who is in utter rampage mode slaughtering vampires wherever she finds them in never ending rage after Dylan’s death. Julius is trying to bring her back from the edge and using old boxing stories to convince her to play it more safe and not just charge in all the time. She’s not listening; the way she talks about healing also makes it clear Vanessa has fully embraced her super powers in a way that we rarely see. I actually kind of like a super-powered character cocky enough to recognise their own strength rather than constantly bemoaning their specialness.
I think this recklessness is supposed to be what gets them caught by the skinners but I honestly don’t see anything Vanessa did leading them into their hands. The skinners are vampires who skin humans and then wear it because REASONS. Look this is a show that has had Dmitiri and Sholoshenko as villains, I’m going to give all their antagonists who are legitimately scary a huge pass if we can move away from those two.
The two are captured, tied up and prepared to be skinned with both of them trying to attract attention to each other because they’ve both developed a martyr complex? I mean, I can see Julius doing it with all of his guilt trips, but Vanessa? Anyway the Skinners are disappointed because Julius is inedible and while they cut a strip off skin off Vanessa (she screams in pain then… seems pretty bored?) she just regenerates it back