We are now officially half way through the season and at this point, I think the writers have absolutely given up on the series. I cannot for the life of me see the point of The Mist. The rules constantly shift to allow the ensemble cast to do things that others cannot and then we have the whole hey fog has landed on the town, everyone panic before we know for certain that anything is really wrong.
Kevin and his entourage make it to the hospital because Bryan has been shot in the leg. The minute they arrive, they are asked if the military has been called in or any other outside forces to deal with the mist. Yes, just like everyone else, the people in the hospital are in full on panic mode. We don't even really know why. Bryan is taken for treatment and as they wait to find out whether or not he is going to survive, Mia takes the time to blame this all on Kevin. It seems that she believes they wouldn't be in this position if Kevin had just shot Clay in the first place. Kevin however feels that they aren't at the place yet and has not accepted this brave new world they are supposedly all living in. His denial makes more sense than Mia's let's just kill everything because really, they've all run through the mist and been just fine.
Even though the last Kevin heard from his family they were hiding out at the mall, he decides to do a little tour of the hospital showing pictures of his family to see if they are there. This is when Kevin comes across his older brother who just conveniently happens to be there. When the Mist rolled in, Mike was working outdoors when he was set upon by a group of teens, who just so happened to know things about Mike they shouldn't have. This experience makes Mike doubt his senses. Mike is dying and will probably die of an infection because the doctor is unable to get to the surgical ward because some of the mist has made its way inside of the hospital. The best that Mike can hope for at this time is to put out of his misery but Kevin absolutely refuses to euthanize his brother.
Kevin's big deal is that he is driven to save people and this is why he isn't willing to give up on his brother. And how does Kevin's saviour narrative express itself? Why through a flashback of course. We go back to Kevin and Eve setting up house to learn the source of the animosity between Kevin and Mike. Proving that the writers can be cliche as fuck, it's Eve who comes between them. We first learned that Eve had slept with a lot of men in town when she was accused of being a slut by her daughter. Mike also makes such aspersions when he snarks about his surprise that Eve settled down with Kevin, making Eve upset.
Eve and Kevin have some honeymoon sex, with Eve encouraging Kevin to go harder and faster, shocking Kevin. This of course leads to the revelation about Eve's past and about part of her still being that girl. Eve then reveals exactly what Mike meant by his less than cryptic comments, spurring Kevin to promise to kick his brother's ass. Eve however chose Kevin because he's not the alpha male violent bad boy she's been attracted to in the past and has reached a stage where she no longer wants to be saved.