Now that Will has been compromised, the Bowmans are free to stop following the dictates of the invaders and their collaborators. It's a new chapter for Colony and it's amazing. Broussard, Kate and Will are now on the same team and they work quite well together as they try to find a way out of the Colony. Though the Bowmans are finally together for the first time since the occupation, not everything smells of Roses. Bram is determined to join his parents in the fight but after having been seperated from the children for so long, neither Kate or Will is anxious to see Bram become involved. This does not sit will with Bram who is much changed since his time in the work camp.
A confrontation between Kate and Maddie has been a long time in coming. While Kate has been finding ways to defy the invaders, Maddie has done her best to be a good little collaborator. Sure, at first it was about getting medication for her diabetic son but it soon became about all of the little bonuses that come with being with Nolan. Suddenly, not only did Maddie get to stop worrying about insulin, food and security were no longer an issue. This was coupled with an increased status and public recognition as a pseudo first lady to Nolan. We've seen time and time again that while Maddie cares about Kate, she doesn't understand her sister's decision to rebel and certainly resents how this complicates her own life.
In The Garden of Beasts, the relationship is put to the final test. Given that Will has been recognized as a resistance fighter and the Bowmans are now living on the other side of the law, Kate seeks out her sister to warn her that the government will come for her. At first, Maddie is certain that Nolan (oh he of little backbone) will absolutely protect her. At this point, I really wanted Kate to simply walk away from Maddie because while you can lead a horse to water, you cannot make the horse drink. Kate points out that Nolan is the same man who turned his back on his wife and suggests that if Maddie needs her that she is to tie a string around the lamppost at the Yonk as a sign.
Sure enough, Kate is right and the Global Authority come to question Maddie about her interactions with Kate, and it quickly becomes clear to Maddie that she is in jeopardy. Nolan is ordered outside to meet with none other than Proxy Alcala. It seems that Alcala isn't as dumb as he's playing in front of Helena. For whatever reason, Nolan features largely in Alcala's plans for his position in the Colony. Nolan at first wonders if his loyalty is being questioned and is indignant given that he sent his wife to a labour camp. Alcala wants Nolan to think about the bigger picture and suggests throwing Maddie under the bus because she's just a "piece of tail". Rather than taking Alcala's advise on this issue Nolan confronts Maddie and questions her love for him. Maddie of course claims to love Nolan and adds that she would do anything for him. Nolan has Maddie agree to set up her sister.
Kate is all too aware when Maddie signals that she could very well be setting her up but she needs to know for sure where her sister stands. Will and Broussard also point out that this is the perfect opportunity for them to be able to attain a Global Authority vehicle so that they can cross the border and meet up with the other resistance fighters in the desert. Kate places a call to Maddie on a payphone and arranges to meet with Maddie at the place where Maddie revealed that she was pregnant. Of course, the call is being traced and it's not long before the black coats arrive to attempt to scoop up Kate, Broussard and Will. With tears rolling down her face at her sister's betrayal, Kate tells Maddie that she loves her one last time before taking off running.