Season two of Colony, is the season of explosions. Normally, when a show leans on pyrotechnics, it's to cover for lack of a good story or a stagnant meta but that certainly is not the case with Colony. I'm all in at this point.
Last week, the resistance scored a big victory when they blew up the alien transport ship; however, someone clearly has to pay for that. Maya is well beyond their retribution having sacrificed her life but Snyder's smart enough to know that Bram played him. The one thing Snyder can be counted on is his desire to cover his own ass at all costs.
The trouble begins when Helena meets with the other proxys to determine what they are going to do. One Proxy, who has clearly sipped from the well of the Greatest Day, wants to use the opportunity to promote the government's cult. Helena however feels that what's important is that the people remain confidant in the abilities of the government enforcers. Helena also makes it clear that whatever the response is, it will be out of their hands anyway, so there's no point trying to spin anything. Of course, the big fool doesn't listen to Helena and goes ahead does a PSA claiming that the explosion was actually the Aliens doing some inter-dimensional travel that humans aren't currently capable of. Helena doesn't think about it for long because she gets a call notifying her that the aliens have made their decision. It's just as she predicted, humanity will have no say.
At the work camp, Snyder is determined to cover up that the problem occurred there. That begins by getting rid of Jenkins' and the woman who was in the tubes bodies. Snyder then has a chat with Bram and informs Bram that by his actions, he signed his own death warrant and that of everyone in the camp. Snyder however is certain that if Bram hands over the people who were involved that he might be able to scrub away all evidence of the rebellion's activities.
Bram isn't exactly warming up to the idea. Snyder has a group of people lined up, and handcuffed. Snyder walks down the line and executes them individually and stops when he finally gets to Bram. Bram is told that he is never to tell anyone what happened and that if he agrees to this, he will be allowed to live.
All of Snyder's work as an executioner turns out to be for nothing when Helena shows up and asks him to get in her car. Snyder is resistant and tries to plead saying that if the aliens show up at the work camp that they will find no evidence that anyone from the camp was involved. To speed things up, Helena is forced to inform Snyder that she's trying to save his life. I guess it's a good thing that Snyder thought ahead to rat out Nolan and get on Helena's good side earlier. Snyder then negotiates to take Bram with him. Just like Snyder initially was, Bram is resistant to go along for the ride but the choice is taken out of his hands. As the car speeds away, the factory is destroyed behind them. It's just as Snyder warned earlier, the act of blowing up the ship was indeed a death sentence for everyone. The aliens even blew up the red hats who were working at the factory, making no distinction between them and the prisoners.

Bram is brought to his family's new apartment ( more on that later). It seems that once again, Snyder has kept his word to a Bowman. Snyder gives Bram a speech about surviving in this brave new world that they live in and asks him to say hello to Will for him before driving off with the convoy. In a parting shot, Bram advises Bram not to forget why he survived. Bram is greeted with a hug by his father; however, Bram seems most grateful to finally see his little brother and the two hug it out.