So much happened this episode of Colony, that it's hard to know where to start. The one thing that is certain is that the writers are not playing any games and have amped up the story. Death to collaborators is about to become the genuine article and I for one heartily approve.
We know that a big shipment is being sent out from the factory where Bram is being housed but until this episode, we didn't know what the shipment was or the plans of the resistance in this regard. When Bram was recruited by the resistance, he had no idea just how vital his help would be. It turns out that for all of their planning and scheming, what the resistance has needed all along is someone on the inside capable of gaining Snyder's trust and to get access to Snyder's swipe card. Bram is informed of his task after having the briefest sex possible with Maya in the back of a crate. It seems that fucking is a tradition of people in the resistance before heading out on a mission. Well, if you're gonna die, one last orgasm seems the least that they are entitled to and poor Maya doesn't even get to cum.
Bram meets with Snyder and expresses his worry that the resistance is on to him and will kill him. Snyder tries to reassure Bram but is called away by a guard. Bram uses the opportunity to search Snyder's desk and steal his access card. When Snyder returns, Bram is standing behind his desk, thus raising Snyder's suspicion. Bram plays it off like he was just looking at Snyder's map and questions if he will be allowed to go home if he provides Snyder with information. Snyder, being the snake that he is, is quick to agree and so Bram points to the map and says that the prisoners are planning an escape. I gotta say, I didn't think Bram had it in him to be so smooth.
Back on the factory floor, a couple of prisoners make their way towards the fence and having been warned by Bram, the Agency forces are ready for them. What Snyder doesn't realise is that he's been played and that this has all been a distraction so that Maya and Bram can get away. Bram and Maya race with their homemade bomb to the storage area that Snyder showed Nolan in the last episode. When they open up one of the capsules they find an unconscious woman inside. Maya frees the woman, who promptly falls to the ground and starts expectorating the vilest green goop. It looks like the woman is actually drowning from being forced to breathe the air. It's enough to make me wonder if a) she's an alien or b) the aliens are turning humans into them?
Bram and Maya don't have time to speculate about the woman because Jenkins has tracked them down. Maya sends Bram off to deal with Jenkins armed with a shank while she continues with the mission. Unsurprisingly, Bram doesn't fare well against Jenkins and is only saved by another prisoner sneaking up behind Jenkins and bashing his head in. I am sincerely hoping that Jenkins, who is a cruel bastard, is dead. Bram is ordered to rejoin the rest of the prisoners before it's noted that he's missing.
The prisoners are all rounded up and Snyder is quick to note that one person is missing. The missing person as we know is Maya. Considering that Snyder was told that the plan was to escape the factory, he's not overly wound up, particularly because they can still send the shipment off on time. The ship takes off and everything is fine at first, but suddenly it explodes. All of the Los Angeles Bloc sees the explosion, which is clearly meant to signal that the resistance is alive and well.
Bram is absolutely stunned by the events of the day and is clearly in far over his head. He speaks to the man who saved him from Jenkins to ask where Maya is and is informed that he knows where Maya is. That's right, Maya is dead because she set off the explosion from inside the ship. The man tells Bram that he hopes Bram is as brave as Maya was because they are going to call her a hero and things are about to get real. Bram lays downs and cries.