Maeve! Maeve! Maeve!. Okay, y'all know that I have a massive thing for Maeve since she is being played by the ever so awesome Thandie Newton. I've been waiting since the first time that she appeared on scene for her character to get some serious attention and finally it happened.
Maeve has been on her journey of self awareness though it has largely been over shadowed by that of Delores. This week, we watch as Maeve reports for work at her brothel with a real sense of purpose. A new customer arrives and rather than letting Clementine service him, Maeve takes over and leads the customer to a bedroom. It begins with Maeve immediately emasculating her customer encouraging his violence by placing his hands around her throat.
When next we see Maeve she's alert inside the lab. It's clear that she allowed the John to kill her so that she could return to the lab. That takes guts. Let's remember that Maeve at this point only has a hunch that something shifty is going on and therefore it's a huge risk to encourage a man to strangle her so that she could end up someplace she's not 100% certain really exists. As luck would have it, the tech she ends up with is Lutz.
Maeve immediately starts demanding answers and Lutz explains that she isn't human like he is. For Maeve this is confusing because there seems to be no difference between her and Lutz. He proves that she's being controlled by pulling out a hand held device which accurately predicts what she's going to say. It's enough to make Maeve go on the fritz and in the process, freaking Lutz the hell out. He frankly tries to reboot Maeve. Fortunately for him, Maeve comes back online; however, she's not satisfied and now wants to see the rest of the facility. Lutz takes Maeve on a little tour and sees dead hosts being washed down, a bison being lead around on a leash, hosts kissing and even a set up for a shoot out over a card game. Maeve's fascinated and it's clear to both her and the viewer just how scripted her life is. Maeve pauses when she sees a promotional video for Westworld in which she sees herself and her daughter from another build.