No Mercy is supposedly a season premier but it seems to exist for no other reason that to introduce a new antagonist - The Man. It is set up as a flashback and takes place between episodes 5 and 6 of the last season. This means that we have to wait another week to find out the result of last year's cliffhanger ending. Officially, Z Nation sucks. In the flashback Cassandra (who they shouldn't have killed) is alive and is still a tool of Murphy's. It also means that Murphy is carrying around his daughter in an ice cooler with holes in it.
On orders of his employer, The Man is holding a group of survivors hostage because he wants Dr. Teller turned over. The Man kidnaps a little boy who manages to escape and it's the boy who runs into our favourite zombie fighting crew. The boy asks for help and while everyone considers it, predictably, Murphy reminds them all that they have a mission to complete. Leave it to Murphy to have his eye on the prize.
They head back to meet the survivors and Teller asks Warren for help, saying that they cannot take on the men alone and Warren and her crew have the skills and the weapons. Teller offers vehicles and fuel in exchange for their aid. While this goes on, 10K gets his flirt on with Red, who claims that she wears red to scare off men. As Murphy rocks his daughter, he begins to hear voices and so decides to investigate.
The Man returns to dump the body of a guard that he killed and to find out if the boy made it back. The Man asks for the Teller to be turned over to him, saying that he lied about the 24 hour grace period he had originally given them. Thus begins a Spartacus moment (and the first of the bad movie references) with each person stepping forward claiming to be Dr. Teller. The Man however is unimpressed and reminds the people that Spartacus and all who followed him were crucified upside down. Warren steps forward also claiming to be Dr. Teller and asks The Man to let the people be. The Man has what I suppose is a change of heart and once again agrees to the 24 hours but promises to kill everyone if they don't hand over Dr. Teller. Warren has no problem warning The Man not to come back.
When Murphy hears the voice again, he leaves Cassandra in charge of Lucy ordering her to feed Lucy if she gets hungry. 10K and Red take off to look for food and the wild child who now looks like a 10K Mini Me follows them. Warren begins to make plans with Addie, Doc and Teller to protect the community. Teller explains that the man hasn't acted because his employers want him to show mercy. Teller however doesn't know what The Man wants to do with him given that pre apocalypse he worked with mold. After giving the citizens some quick lessons in how to shoot, the crew formalizes a plan.

Murphy continues to be drawn towards the whispered voices. He comes across the weirdest looking zombies yet and they beg him to kill them. They begin to scream and Murphy grabs his ears in pain. He is grabbed by men in Hazmet suits and fortunately for him, Warren in crew show up. Murphy tells Warren that the zombies are begging for mercy and that he's never felt so much pain. Outside the building, Warren says the beings they found aren't zombies and have wants and needs. When the apocalypse happened they started working on a fungus based cure. Zombies took over the lab and there was an explosion which the people were exposed to. Teller explains that he couldn't let the fungus escape the lab and so he locked the people up. Teller adds that he has been trying to take care of the people and couldn't bring himself to mercy them. Murphy realises that if Teller leaves the mold zombies will die.