Clara finds herself hanging from her heels outside of the compound. Missy says that she is going to tell her the story of the Doctor with no tardis, no friends and on the run - The doctor being happy. The Doctor was travelling by teleporter and being chased by 50 invisible android assassins, set on killing him. Missy tells this story while sharpening a stick and explains that Clara is tied up in case there's nothing to hunt. Back to the Doctor, who is surrounded and with seconds to live, uses the energy ray to recharge the energy bracelet and then teleports away. Clara realises that this is how Missy escaped the Daleks. Missy is impressed because unlike her, the Doctor made the calculation on the fly. Missy finally cuts down Clara and asks how it is that the Doctor always survives. Clara answers that the Doctor always assumes he is going to win and survive. Missy then points out that this is not what the Doctor thinks now because this time, he made himself a will and threw himself a goodbye party. Clara and Missy turn and look at the heart of the Dalek empire and armed with only a pointy stick, start walking off to save the Doctor.
In the heart of the compound, Davros tells the Doctor that he has the him at his mercy. The Doctor picks up a weapon and holds it to the back of Davros's head. Davros is not worried, calling the weapon ancient and inoperable but the Doctor being the Doctor, powers up the weapon without a problem. Davros asks if the Doctor would threaten a dying man and the Doctor orders him out of his chair. Davros says that he needs the chair to live but the Doctor orders him out.
The Daleks are freaking out with one saying that Davros is leaving the infirmary. Over the communicator, Davros calls for help from his children and is told that he must return to the infirmary. Davros tells the Daleks that the Doctor is escaping and must be found. From a distance, Clara and Missy watch as the Daleks start to look for the Doctor. On the intercom Davros continues to call for help and Daleks prepare to assist him but when the door opens, it's the Doctor sitting in Davros's chair. The Doctor opens with "admit it, you've all had this exact same nightmare."
Davros is lying on his back in the infirmary calling for help when Colony Sarff makes his presence known. The Daleks call for the extermination of the Doctor but when they fire their weapons, nothing happens.
Clara and Missy are at the Dalek sewers but there's a long drop down to the bottom. Missy decides to gauge the fall by pushing Clara in.
The Doctor is now surrounded by Daleks, who are shocked that he is unharmed. The Doctor points a weapon at the Daleks, saying that the force field on the chair probably doesn't work both ways. The Daleks are not concerned because they are aware that the Doctor doesn't use weapons.
Clara regains consciousness at the bottom of the sewers and points the pointy stick at Missy. Missy is in full snark mode, pointing out that Clara will not survive on the sewers on her own. Clara counters replying that Missy will not survive if she turns her back. Missy takes the challenge and shows Clara her back and when Clara fails to act, Missy charges Clara and takes the stick. Missy informs Clara that she should have had the courtesy to kill her because team work is all about respect. Clara informs Missy that they are not a team. In Clara's defense, who would want to be on a team with Missy? Missy counters that they are team because every miner needs a canary. To Missy, Clara is highly disposable. Missy comments on the sludge pouring out of the walls and informs Clara that the sludge is decaying Daleks. It seems that Daleks cannot die and that the Dalek word for sewer is the same as their word for graveyard.
Still pointing his gun, the Doctor says that he has been at the heart of the Dalek empire for 42 minutes and is in complete control of it. The Doctor demands that the Daleks ask him what he wants. A Dalek complies and the Doctor says that he wants Clara Oswald safe, alive and returned to him immediately. The Doctor is in a rage and tells the Daleks that if Clara is dead, they had better be careful how they tell him. Missy hears the Doctor's demand and says that this is what the Doctor sounds like without hope. The Doctor asks again who is going to tell him that Clara Oswald is really dead. In the sewers, Missy tells Clara that the Doctor will burn everything including them.
Davros makes an appearance on the screen and the Doctor snarks about Davros's seat being taken. The Doctor finds himself wrapped in Colony Sarff's snakes and is forced to drop his weapon. In the infirmary, Davros advises Colony Sarff to tread lightly because the plan is to entrap the Doctor tonight. Say it with me folks, "not gonna happen."
In the sewers Missy points to a round circular thing on the wall and tells Clara to have a look. When Clara doesn't notice anything distinct, she asks what she's missing. Missy explains that she is giving the circular object a good look at Clara. The sounds of a Dalek can be heard announcing, "intruder alert." Missy then handcuffs Clara to the wall explaining that they need to trap and kill a Dalek and that Clara will be the bait. Clara demands to be uncuffed but Missy only has eyes for a broach given to her on the birth of her daughter by the Doctor. Clara is adamant that a Dalek cannot be killed with a pin. The Dalek moves closer to Clara telling her not to move and that she is in a restricted area. The Dalek announces its plan to sterilize Clara and Missy jumps out and sticks the Dalek with the pin repeatedly. Missy announces that she is killing the Dalek because it's her job as a Time Lady. The Dalek does not believe that it has been unduly damaged, until Missy points out that the Dalek is surrounded by a bunch of angry decomposing Daleks. The Dalek sludge attack the Dalek, forcing it to fire and move in circles. During the Dalek's confusion, Missy unties Clara and pushes her against a wall, protecting Clara with her own body from the resulting explosion. As the Dalek explodes, Missy yells, "weeee."
Back in time to Davros, with the hand bombs. Davros calls out for help, saying that the Doctor promised that he could survive. A frantic Davros calls again for help.
In the present, the Doctor awakes to find himself sitting in the only other chair on Skaro. The Doctor jumps to his feet and Davros tells him not to bother because he is sealed in the chamber and he is not carrying his sonic screwdriver. Davros adds that he is dying and it's now time for them to conclude their business together.
In the sewers, Missy picks the remains of the Dalek out of its shell and tells Clara to get in.
It seems the reason that Davros is still alive is because he has been feeding off of all of the Daleks. The Daleks allow this because they have respect for their father, a trait Davros never managed to breed out of them. Davros offers the Doctor the opportunity to commit genocide on the Daleks. Davros lifts the Doctor's hand towards the device, asking if the Doctor is ready to be a God. The Doctor briefly touches the device and withdraws, as Davros taunts the Doctor with Clara's death. The Doctor says that he's a bloke in a box and that he came because Davros is sick and he asked and because on a good day if he tries hard, he's not an old time lord who ran away. Davros realises that the Doctor cannot be tempted because of his innate compassion, something the Doctor has no problem dying for.
Clara is now in the Dalek shell and Missy instructs her on how to control the Dalek container. The moment Clara thinks something, the Dalek shell moves, so Missy seals her in. When Clara speaks it comes out in the Dalek voice. Missy decides to have some fun and have Clara say her name which results in Clara saying, "I am a Dalek repeatedly." Missy then asks for Clara to say, "I love you" and what comes out is "exterminate". The same result happens when Clara says you are different then me. When Missy gets Clara to say, "exterminate", the gun goes off repeatedly and Missy dances around, giddy with joy, dodging the shots. Apparently, the Daleks channel emotion and that's why they say exterminate repeatedly.