Joanna is worried about Ingrid and asks Freya what time Ingrid came home from the bar the night before. As Joanna is leaving a message for Ingrid, Freya looks out the window and sees a comatose Ingrid on the ground outside. The women rush to Ingrid and discover that no only is she unconscious but has marks on her body. I suppose tentacle sex will do that to you.
In the meantime, Dash is occupied trying to marshal his powers. Phantom Killian appears long enough to taunt Dash about shooting blanks.Yeah, that was a less than subtle and unsurprisingly unfunny double entendre. Dash then gets a call from his blackmailer asking if he wants to the tape of him killing Killian sent to the police. The blackmailer demands fifty thousand dollars and Dash balks because it's a public holiday and the banks are closed but he is told to figure it out.Killian again taunts his brother warning that he needs to get a hold of this before he kills someone else.
Ingrid comes back to consciousness and Joanna suggests that Ingrid was sleep walking again. Freya suggests that Ingrid could have simply passed out because she was pretty drunk the night before. Joanna says that they are going to need to find a spell to deal with the sleepwalking and Ingrid says that last night was the best nights sleep she has had in years. I suppose this means that tentacle sex works for her. When the women head into the house, Joanna tells the girls about Frederick and how leaving him behind was one of the hardest decisions she has ever had to make. Wendy is quick to point out that Frederick chose to stay. Joanna goes on to explain that Frederick has been through a lot and barely escaped with his life. Anyone else wonder how Joanna knows this given that he hasn't been particularly forth coming about what happened in Asgard? Joanna then tells the girls that it was Frederick who cured her. They then discuss Frederick coming through the portal and a trusting Joanna suggests that someone else came through the portal with Frederick. Frederic comes downstairs and has a conversation with the girls about the things they used to do together as siblings and we learn that Frederick and Freya are twins.
Joanna is outside working on the garden and a concerned Wendy points out that Frederick is alone with the girls. Joanna however is not just engaging in a hobby, she is pulling truth root to get to the bottom of what is going on with Dash. The big plan is to put the roots in a pie and then deliver it to Fair Haven. Wendy points out that because Dash is so angry and volatile that they have to approach the situation carefully. Wendy suggests giving Frederick a piece of the pie but Joanna claims that when he healed her, she felt his pain and regret. Wendy is still not convinced and suggests that Frederick only pretended to escape to play with Joanna's guilt and sympathy.
Wendy and Joanna return to the house to find the siblings still engaged in a chat. It seems that they were all royalty in Asgard but Joanna says that this fact has zero relevance in this world. Wendy sneaks the truth root under Frederick's nose and asks how it's been for him in Asgard. Frederick answers that not long after everyone left, he realised his mistake and tried to get his grandfather to change and that in the end, things got so bad, he almost wished for death.
Killian is still on his island paradise with his new love Eva and now his wound had completely healed. Killian tries to convince Eva to spend the day with him and she confesses that though they have only been together a short time, it feels like they have known each other forever. For his part, Killian says that landing on the island is the best thing that ever happened to him.
Wendy is getting dressed and ready to go out when she notices that one of her ear rings is missing. It turns out that Frederick has the ear ring and he uses it for some sort of spell and then swallows it.
Wendy is in cat form and she heads to see the EMT from the last episode. When she looks in the window, she sees the EMT sitting down with what looks like a wife and child. When the EMT returns to the door with a treat for what he assumes to be a stray cat, Wendy is gone.
Ingrid has arrived at work and finds Dr. Foster already sorting through the materials. Ingrid says that he is doing her job but Dr. Foster tells Ingrid that he didn't really hire her. Apparently, his supervisor ordered Ingrid hired over his objections. Foster claims that he is there to oversee because if something happens, it will fall squarely on him. Ingrid assures Foster that she can do this and suggests that she just get started so that he can see how she works
Dash is packing up his blackmail money and he leaves the house followed by ghost Killian, who warns Dash that this isn't going to end here. Dash screams for Killian to leave him alone and when Dash turns around, he is confronted by Wendy and Joanna, who have a pie and wine. Dash isn't interested in a peace offering though and asks if they are sorry because he was gilted at the alter, or that his mother committed suicide. Joanna tries again suggesting that since they all live in the small town, they are going to have to talk to each other eventually but Dash makes it clear that he wants nothing to do with either woman before walking away.
Killian sits at the poker table and he is reading the mind of his opponent. When Killisan calls a hand with an obvious low pair, his opponent suspects that something is up because no one can be that lucky. His opponent draws a weapon and demands his money back and Killian's power activates forcing his opponent to drop the weapon, as people in the room call Killian a Brujería and back away closely.
Wendy and Joanna are setting a table at a fourth of July picnic, when Wendy pauses because she feels a supposedly ominous cool breeze. Wendy then looks wistfully over at the EMT who is setting up with his family. Yep, with Killian away on the island the EMT longing just had to happen because otherwise, there wouldn't be love angst on the show and we cannot possibly have that. When Joanna notices that she is missing the bottle opener, Frederick uses his magic. Joanna tries to explain that they don't do magic in public and then thanks him for saving her life. Freya and Frederick talk about the adjustment that Frederick has had to deal with. Freya then smoothly asks if Frederick can use astro projection to find someone.
Back at the library, Ingrid is hard at work with Foster, when she comes across a book which has drawings and notes of the family. Under Ingrid is the word key.
Back at his room, Killian is trying to drink away his worries. When Eva asks what happened, he tells her about being able to read his opponents hand and then asks what a Brujería is. Eva explains that Brujería means witch and that Killian's opponent thought that Killian was an obeah - someone who has magic. Eva points out that Killian has won a lot at poker and that he said that he knew what the cards were, even though he didn't see them. Eva offers to do a ceremony to find out if Killian is closely attuned to the spirit world.
Frederick and Freya have begun the spell to find Killian. Together, they arrive on the island and decide to look around to see if they can figure out where they are. Frederick tells Freya that no matter what she does, she is not to let go of his hand. They find an ashtray with the name of the hotel and take note of it. When they open another door, an owl flies towards them and a startled Freya lets go of Frederick's hand, which forces them to transport home. Frederick says that owl can either be a symbol of fortune or doom. Now that Freya knows where Killian is, she decides that it is time to go and find him.
Later, at the bar, Freya tries to book a direct flight to Santo Domingo but is disappointed to learn that there are no flights for the next two days. Frederick sits at the bar trying to charm a young Asian woman. Freya comments on how amazing the spell was that they did and Frederick says that it's all about twins (come on, you know you wanted to say, "wonder twin powers activate") before excusing himself and promising to meet Freya for fireworks. Freya warns Frederick about doing spells and he promises to follow the rules.
Ingrid is doing research about herself in the archive she found and learns that she has four arcane abilities. Suddenly, Ingrid sits up when she gets the sense that someone is watching her. Ingrid looks around but doesn't see anyone and is startled when Dr. Foster appears, wondering what she is up to. Foster notices that Freya is looking through the oldest book in the collection and is upset that she is not handling it properly. A disagreement quickly ensues and Foster declares that he is taking the book. When Foster tries to pick up the book, he cannot lift it, so Freya snarks that he wasn't handling it properly. Foster warns that if anything happens to the book between now and Monday, he is holding her responsible.