Esther in Rebekah's body shows up and hands Klaus the fake stake. He unceremoniously throws it into the fire and declares that they are leaving Mystic Falls with Elena. She begs for the opportunity to go the dance and Klaus rightly rejects the idea. It's was nice to see a thousand year old vampire act like a thousand year old vampire. She manages to convince Klaus to attend the dance by telling him that Caroline will be there.
In the gym, Caroline is preparing for the dance when Tyler shows up. She is happy to see him but worried about Klaus finding out that the sire bond is broken. Apparently, Tyler is jealous about Klaus' interest in Caroline and intends to make himself seen, though Caroline assures him that he has no need to be jealous. His big plan is to pretend that he is still sired.
Caroline then has a heart to heart with Matt and she is worried about all the time he is spending with the ever so precious with Elena. It seems that she is worried that Matt will have his heart broken but Matt assures her that he is just Elena's friend.
Continuing to spread wisdom, Caroline also has a chat with Elena. It seems that Elena has planned to go the dance as a girl team with Caroline and Bonnie. It sees that Bonnie has invited Jamie and so Elena has to change her plans. Caroline suggests that she invite Stefan because she is purely on team Stefan. Elena is unsure but in the end she decides to ask Stefan to the dance. I understand that Caroline is a vampire but team Stefan really? I never thought I would say this, but how about team Elena? Stefan just spent the summer running around murdering people but supposedly he is Elena's true love? I hate the way that violence is so quickly forgotten simply because a vampire is the one that is doing it.
Esther changes back to her body, leaving Rebekah in a coffin. She asks Alaric for his ring but he is resistant because he sees that as his one protection against death. Finally, Alaric consents and melts down his ring to make the stake indestructible. Without the spell, the stake would burn after only killing one vampires, and it's Ester's plan to make sure that all of her children die. Alaric is sure that the plan is perfect and that Damon will never figure out that something is up.
At the dance everyone is having a good time, until Damon shows up to tell Elena and Stefan that something has gone wrong with Alaric. Elena gets called outside and there she meets Esther. Esther asks her to come with her but Elena says no, until Esther makes it clear that she can either come willingly or come against her will. Elena sends Jeremy inside to get Damon and Stefan and then leaves with Esther. When Damon and Stefan come outside they realize that the area around the school has been salted and they cannot leave.
Inside the gym, Klaus makes his appearance and he interrupts Caroline and Tyler who are dancing together. Though Tyler wants to say no, he steps back so that Klaus can dance with Caroline. Klaus tells Caroline that he is leaving and that he would ask her to come with him, but suspects that she would say no. He makes it clear that her small town life and small town boyfriend will not be enough to make her happy. He suggests that in 50 years, or 100 years they will meet again and be together. Klaus then attempts to leave and realizes that he is trapped on the school property.