I really liked this episode, faults and all. It's been awhile since I could honestly say that about an episode of The Vampire Diaries. After spending an entire summer chasing Stefan, Elena finally decided that it was time to move on with her life. Of course she didn't make the decision because she realized that is a cold blooded killer but because she finally believed him when he said that their relationship was over. Her next project it seems is to remake Damon in Stefan's image. It was clear as they were making chili for the founders day gathering that the chemistry between them was strong. I think it's worth pointing out that none of these so-called kids have attended school yet; however, they all found time to show up and once again worship the founders.
Liz took Damon to see Caroline's father Bill Forbes. Damon wants to kill him but Liz tells him that he cannot, because Bill is Caroline's father. After testing to ensure that Bill is indeed vervain free, Damon compels him to believe that he came to Mystic Falls, to take Caroline back to school shopping, which btw cracked me up cause they don't attend school, and then to leave town.
Now that it is time for more witchy woo woo, Bonnie finally was pulled out of the plot box. It only took four episodes for her to make a real appearance on the show this season, showing I suppose just how important she is. Bonnie and Jeremy embrace, but Anna is watching them in the mirror. I know it's not relevant but is it me, or is Jeremy getting hotter and easier to look at every episode? The peeping Ana disturbs Jeremy.
Back in Chicago, Klaus, his sister, Rebecca and Stefan do a little shopping. She complains that women of this time dress like prostitutes and asks Stefan if he likes her dress. When he tells her that he does, she tells him that she can always tell when he is lying. Stefan says he needs to get some air, and Catherine is across the street waiting to talk to him. Catherine wants in on whatever Stefan is planning and warns him that he cannot outsmart Klaus.
They go and see dead witch walking Gloria, to try and find Rebecca's necklace. Gloria puts her hand on Rebecca's hand and sees Elena, Bonnie and Caroline talking about Stefan. As she is searching the necklace burns Elena's skin and so she hands it over to Bonnie so that she can learn more about it. Gloria tells Klaus that she needs more time to tell him the location of the necklace and Stefan distracts them by saying that he is hungry and needs to feed.
Back in Mystic Falls, Elena and the gang gather for the founders day celebration. Alaric pulls Damon aside and tells him that he can see what is going on between him and Elena and that he needs to take a step back. Damon tells him that it is none of his business. As the meeting comes to and end Bill makes an appearance and asks whether or Damon, Liz and Carol Lockwood whether they believe that the council is simply naive or downright ignorant?
When Caroline spies her father she takes off for Tyler's house. Damon comes rushing out of the meeting and says to Elena and Alaric that Bill "Houston we have a problem...he threatened to out me, don't get me started on the irony of that." I don't know about you, but I want into instant side eye mode. Really? This after having him try to convert Caroline last week. If that were not enough, earlier in the episode, Liz told Damon that she did not "approve of his lifestyle". These false analogies to GLBT people need to stop. Nothing about being a vampire is anything compared to the real oppression and marginalization that GLBT people face. It seems like the writers are trying to take a page out the True Blood playbook, but they are doing it all wrong.