Ok, y’know what I find REALLY funny? When straight people joke about the weddings gay people can’t actually have! It’s really HYSTERICALLY funny. Really I can’t wait for Isabelle’s encore – hate crimes, how to giggle at them!
Of course we don’t know whether Shadowhunter society would ever accept such a wedding – because though it is so grossly homophobic that Alec lives in terror of being found out, that’s only actually the case when it’s a plot device for Cassandra Clare. Otherwise it can go away. So maybe Isabelle can find the homophobia off-switch for her society – depending on whether it’s useful for the plot or not. Hmmm homophobia or no homophobia, what would be more interesting?And of course the wedding – hot pink backdrop, 500lb of glitter, 2 diamante crowns… what, no rainbows and unicorns? Isabelle you missed a fabulous stereotype! FOR SHAME!
The ONLY thing good about this is Magnus’ threats to Isabelle – and damn he needs to make with the splodey and man-eating beast (not the “make her fat” thing because, ugh, really?)
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