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Thursday, July 11, 2019
Monday, March 11, 2019
Fangs For the Fantasy and the Future
Fangs for the Fantasy is something
we’re both incredibly proud of and it has been a truly passionate labour of
love over these last 8 years
We love this genre (and celebrate how
it has gone from the geeky ignored in the corner to the mainstream powerhouse
it is) and social justice and it’s part in the media - we do think it’s vitally
important to analyse all media through the lens of diversity and inclusion -
even the media that is so often dismissed. We’re very happy with the work, the
analysis, the reviews and the recaps we’ve produced
Unfortunately, as our readers have
probably seen, our content has been dropping for some time now. While we love
what we do at Fangs, ultimately we are only two people and, as real life
consumes us we find ourselves not having time for Fangs that Fangs deserves.
And because we do love Fangs so much and are so pleased with what we have
produced here, we’re reluctant to let Fangs fade into a shadow of what it once
and would rather draw a curtain over it.
It is with great sadness that we are
no longer producing regular content for Fangs for the Fantasy. We love it too
much to give it less than what it needs. The site will remain up and its
contents intact but we cannot continue to dedicate the time to it it needs.
We are deeply grateful to all of you
have been with us, supported us, commented and taken part in these discussions.
We may still post the odd video on our Youtube channel when we have things that
just need saying.
Friday, March 1, 2019
The Magicians: Season 4, Episode 6: A Timeline and a Place
Penny has been
kidnapped and locked in a magical cage - as has Marina. They’ve been captured
by Daniel - a Horomancer. A rare magical talent based on manipulating time. And
he’s captured them both because they’re outside their actual timeline. They
don’t belong in timeline 40 and their presence there is making time magic futz.
He insists it isn’t personal (and Marina is clear that being locked in a cage
is always personal).
He doesn’t listen to
counter arguments and he uses his time magic to zap them all to timeline 23…
except that this timeline has no magic so the cages fall and Penny punches
Daniel unconscious. While he has no wish to release Marina since she is made of
evilness and has just one overarching goal (be reunited with her girlfriend now
she knows enough about now to actually not screw up. And though I really want
to see more same-sex relationships I also kind of think this woman need to run,
run for the hills!). But Penny releases her because she claims to know how to
use the timeline jumping device
She’s lying. She
tells Penny that she really should remember to trust his instincts about her in
future. She is a terrible person.
They switch time
lines but because she doesn’t know what she’s doing they end up in a time line
where magic users are hunted down by law - thankfully we don’t delve into this
very very tropey storyline. They decide they need advice on how to use this
device and go to find this timeline’s Daniel and seek his advice. He is
thrilled to see their more developed time magic and calls his mother, the
founder of the Horomancy… who then collapses
Penny and Marina flee
with his devices to communicate with the past and his mother’s notes and
between the two they patch together some information: one of the core elements
that Sonia used to develop time magic is a substance that basically causes time
related brain damage - which she counters with watches that use time magic to
keep their minds safe. Unfortunately Penny and Marina being outside their
timeline is disrupting time magic - hence why Sonia collapsed. Her shield is no
longer working
Penny realises that this is why Daniel is so eager to get them out of Timeline 40 - because their presence is killing his mother. Penny is horrified and insists that they cannot return. Marina, of course, doesn’t care. But Penny is the Traveller and the one able to zap away…
...to a white room. A
room between life and death where he is pulled into a meeting but… Penny 40.
Yes the Penny now working for the Library from the original Timeline - a much
less fluffy, happy Penny with a whole lot more hard edges. He has a simple
message - it’s vital Penny 23 return to Timeline 40: yes Sonia is going to die,
but it’s too late, she’ll die anyway. Penny 40 is totally impatient by Penny
23’s emotional sadness and really really wants him to just get on with things.
He insists that there’s something much much much bigger at play than just Sonia
and Penny 23 must return
He also insists that
this is Penny 23’s storyline now, and dismisses his guilt over taking Penny
40’s space. Again, he has no patience for this emotion - and it is really well
done how these characters are very similar but fundamentally different. Often
when the same actor plays two characters those characters are extremely
different from each other (look at the Acting Superhero, Tatiana Maslany in
Orphan Black) but it’s a brilliant change to see these characters be very
similar but still have fundamental differences. Their morality and outlook is
very different but they’re both recognisably the same person
Penny returns to his
timeline (with Marina) and waits for Daniel… he realises Daniel will do
anything to get rid of them since his mother is on the line… soe he plants
dandelion seeds from timeline 23 into timeline 40. Daniel will never find them
all… getting rid of Marina and Penny won’t help him.
4 Fangs,
the magicians,
time travel
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Legacies: Season 1, Episode 11: We're Gonna Need a Spotlight
The school gang has
decided to lay a trap for the next monster which is triggered - Alaric, Dorian
and Hope respond. Yes Hope because, again, Alaric is a terrible head teacher
Inside the trap is a
unicorn. Which Dorian thinks they should kill on general principles but Hope is
completely against murdering the pretty horse (with the stabby addition we
won’t talk about). They decide that by imprisoning it they are safe because while
it’s the Malivore Monster they won’t have to deal with any more since they come
one at a time
Which is a decent
idea except for the creepy worm that emerges from the shiny horse
So the school is now
having a talent competition. This seems to be Legacies attempt at a
musical episode because all the cool shows are having them. Anyway Alaric hates
the talent show and tries to use the excuse of the unicorn to cancel it - but
the Honour Council overrules him. Since the monster is a magic pony he and Emma
decide to bunk off school and go drinking
While Hope, who nows has a horrible worm in her brain, starts acting all happy and joyful and all lovey dovey with Landon… and how did no-one suspect mind control or possession? She’s a Mikkaelson. They don’t have happy happy joy joy - they have tantrums and brood and practice staring moodily into the middle distance.
Still everyone’s
super happy with Hope being all happy and huggy, especially Landon. But not
Rafael because he’s extra uncomfortable with Hope being all close and
boundariless around him and being so very very extra with Landon.
Josie and Lizzie are
back and Josie continues to avoid Penny while Lizzie has a novel way of trying
not to be the meanest of mean girls - she has a little magically zappy bracelet
that zaps her whenever she is mean so she can moderate her tone. Which she
needs to because she’s super super intense about a very dull routine for the
witches to win the talent contest and Josie, all head-wormed, is totally not
into it, very low key and not willing to stand in the back as usual. She’s also
softening towards Penny
The worm in Kaleb’s
head makes him lead the vampires in a rather cool song and dance number. It’s
kind of irrelevant to everything but, hey, they have it and it’s nifty.
While Hope and Landon have their own talent - cake decorating. Which is going to be super weird on stage but doesn’t get that far as Hope develops glowy green eyes and suddenly think the bestest thing in the world would be to take the Malivore urn. Landon is suspicious - and a burned cake causes and electrical shock (somehow?) well this turns out to be just what you need to de-worm yourself and Hope returns to a rather embarrassed normal. They realise they have a new monster and seek out Dorian - who is guarding the unicorn and has already killed the worm heading for him. To add to the stakes they see the unicorn die - the worm in the brain eventually kills people as well.
They do some research
and Dorian is surprised that no legend talks about monsters like this - but
Landon points out that mind controlling things inside people is pretty much a
staple of sci-fi and maybe it’s a mistake to discount that, sci-fi has to be
inspired by something. Which is another way of saying “make this character
relevant!”. Anyway they decide the worm first lowers your inhibitions before
convincing you to grab the malivore urn and then it kills you
By now most of the
students are possessed including Raphael who decides to recite a spoken word
poem about how torn and jealous he is of Landon which is totally not awkward.
But thankfully everyone gets violent and urn happy so they can be locked up
while everyone searches for a solution.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
The Magicians: Season 4, Episode 5: Escape from the Happy Place
Elliot is in his
dream world and yes he is still alive. He’s in the Physical Kids house,
enjoying his time and memories with Todd and especially Margo - yes it’s
classic “you’re locked in your happy memories prison” trope
But there’s a
persistent knocking on his memory door and we’re introduced to Charlton.
Charlton was the Beast’s original host (and now dead) and has a convenient
source of knowledge (and being beaten up by Margot). He tells Elliot that
everything but he and Elliot is a memory - but there’s a bunch of monsters
around as well - monsters which were the Monster’s old hosts. Which were
monsters locked in a prison which is a lot of awfulness… they’re only safe in
the happy place.
Which is fine but Charlton reveals the door out of this is in Elliot’s worst possible moment which he will have suppressed
There follows an
exploration of Elliot’s worst memories. Starting with the truly moving and
tragic - Elliot bullied as a child and his first use of magic to kill his bully
which deeply traumatised him. It was moving and painful. But no door. Then
there was the him becoming the bully which was just damned annoying because the
whole “homophobe bully is actually gay” trope is nauseating, homophobic, has
horrendous real life implications and is generally awful.
Still no door
Step back and it’s
time to try Elliot’s many many many many hilarious suppressed memories. Because
happiness and self-awareness don’t go so well together and Elliot chose
Through his many many
sins (all dicks and daddy issues) Elliot realises what is his biggest regret
and suppressed memory - Quentin
After their epic, beautiful, 50 year relationship (which was never mentioned again AAARGH HOW?!) we finally get a scene where Quentin and Elliot discuss this - specifically Quentin pointing out they’d just had a super awesome 50 year loving relationship, they know they work together as a couple so why not go for it? Elliot objects (he’s cut off but he seems to be suggesting that Quentin is not gay or bi which… uh doesn’t seem to be the case? And I’d rather they not continue that thought because they idea that being gay or bi has no relevance to a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex is annoying and has trope implications) claiming it definitely wouldn’t work and it was always lack of choice. Except our Elliot reveals how this was all lying and Elliot was afraid and now deeply
I don’t know whether to love you eternally for finally doing this scene or be
so damn angry that you left it this late and until Elliot may die. Gah gah gah
gah. You better remember this The Magicians, when Elliot is saved (WHEN
NOT IF) and he and Quentin are back together (THEY BETTER BE) you better not
play any damn “oh hey let’s be friends” moment. Elliot’s darkest, most
regretted and suppressed memory is TELLING QUENTIN NO - you’ve done this now!
4.5 Fangs,
the magicians
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
The Walking Dead: Season 9, Episode 11: Bounty
So we have the Walking
Dead and it’s a tale of two storylines. One which is really interesting and
desperately what i want The Walking Dead to become and the other is just
dull dull dull and needs to end quickly
Sadly I think I will
be disappointed
So the dull dull dull
first. Alpha has arrived at the gates of the Hilltop and is demanding her
daughter. They’re a relatively small crowd of several unarmed people in scary
masks. People take this seriously because of Luke and Alden they have hostage.
Daryl still wants to tell them to jog on (and while I appreciate the sentiment,
Jesus may have died but he didn’t make you king, Daryl) but his threat to mow
them all down is weakened because they have a baby.
Plenty of targets
besides the baby, just saying
So they need to
exchange Lydia for their two hostages, only Henry who is REALLY TRYING to make
me hate him has decided to rescue Lydia and run off with her because it’s all
so mean and unfair. In fact, the meme MUST exist by now
Ah, internet, thank
Daryl catches up with
them and Lydia says how she totally misses her people in a “I’m not lying
honest” way and agrees to go back. She does point out that Alpha is breaking
her rules by coming for her. There’s a prisoner exchange and Henry pouts. Aldren
and Luke are greeted with hugs, Alpha slaps Lydia for calling her momma.
Oh but before that
the dead move in and the baby won’t stop crying despite the zombie masked
mother’s attempts to quiet them. Alpha has a simple rule - the baby is quiet or
they leave it for the dead - and the mother leaves the baby on the floor to be
eaten. Connie, who never made it to the wall, runs out to save the baby,
alerted by Luke signing, and there’s a hairy moment of running through a corn
field full of zombies carrying the baby (especially hard for the Deaf Connie
since the corn restricts her vision and she can’t hear the dead advancing on
her) before Darryl and Kerry rescue her - and the baby.
Henry is super pissed
about all this but Enid and Darryl both make the point to him that sometimes
things are awful and you have to live with it. He even invokes Daryl’s own
history of abuse to demand how he could send Lydia back - which is just rubbing
salt in the wounds.
Henry leaves in the
night to save Lydia, Daryl goes after Henry and Connie goes after Daryl because
we need to centre these new characters somehow.
Ok someone has to
tell me why the Whisperers are so scary. Or how they even work
I mean, when we first
met them directing a herd? That was scary. In the dark, whispering? That was
scary. But outside of that context they’re like a haunted house with the lights
turned on
3.5 Fangs,
The Walking Dead,
Monday, February 25, 2019
Dark Queen (Jane Yellowrock #12) by Faith Hunter
Jane, the Dark Queen,
Enforce for Leo Pelessier, the Vampire ruler of the Greater South East United
States is preparing for the duel that is finally here. A duel between Leo and
the Emperor of the European vampires - a duel that will dictate the future of all
vampire and witch kind
Assuming the visiting
vampires haven’t plotted to undermine and interfere before the duel even begins
And assuming the
American government doesn’t look at this gathering of the most powerful and
dangerous vampires in the world and doesn’t just bomb it.
Jane has her hands
full… and ow is really not the time for a man to appear claiming to be her long
lost brother she never knew she had, especially when he introduces himself by
shooting her
This is something of
an epic finale to everything that has been happening for several books now -
and the whole book is powerful tense and epic. The massive duel between Leo and
the many vampires coming from Europe. We see all of his gathered entourage come
out to fight, we see all the complex preparations, the betrayals, the plotting,
the counter-plotting and how absolutely no-one is playing fair.
It all has an
incredibly tense feel, from the very first page of the book you know some of
these characters are going to die, that everything is going to change. It is
maintained every second, not for one second do you forget even through side
plots, even through the moments with Beast (beast is awesome, beast is best
hunter and I have no idea why her writing doesn’t annoy me, but it doesn’t - I
love her) that tension never leaves
Jane moves through it
all and she’s amazing, powerful, competent, in control yet listening and
learning from the people around her, people she genuinely loves and values. And
even when she’s sat, maudling, or the fights of the actual duel are dragged out
or we have a political scene which goes on and on and on for pages it all works
and doesn’t feel sluggish because of that tension, power and sense of change
behind everything. Thematically this book is amazing, the writing just works
and the emotion doesn’t stop.
I really like Jane’s
relationship with her brother. The conflict of it, the hopes mixed with the
disappointment, the reactions, the conflict, the quashed ideals all are so
powerful. I like the layers, I like that he has his own history and conflict, I
like the legacy her example has set but I also appreciate her pain and anger
over how he chose to introduce himself and how he chose to re-enter her life.
It created a fascinating complicated story. And, though I know next to
nothing about Cherokee history or culture or language, there does seem to be a
lot of research and effort into making these meaningful inclusion, ensuring
that Jane isn’t just carrying around woo-woo from being Native American and
nothing else. But i cannot speak to the accuracy of it.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Siren: Season 2, Episode 5: Primal Instinct
So, Ben, Maddie and
Ryn wake up all in bed together. Apparently they didn’t go beyond kissing
because they didn’t know how far Ryn wanted to go - and Ryn is super super
super interested in doing more which everyone is really happy and slightly
embarrassed about.
They do belatedly
realise that maybe they should discuss what sex actually means for humans and
merfolk as well as sex without the aim for children. Oh and not only are
merwomen violent but it is not unknown for them to kill their male lovers. So
maybe some discussion first is not a bad plan
Which they kind of
touch on but not really about the mechanics of sex or could Ryn please not
break them with her super strength? Or hey what genitals look like for merfolk
- how do they even have sex? Fish do not have sex remotely like humans do.
Instead they discuss
how unequal merfolk society is and I get that they’re trying to say how bad
this is while at the same time Maddie is trying to avoid being judgemental of
Ryn’s culture especially since she knows so little about it - and she DOES say
it is occasionally unequal on land. But wow that’s like something of a huge
understatement and a lot of me cringes to see the woman of colour say “yeah
it’s sometimes unequal on land” when the focus is how unequal sex in the water
is. I kept expecting Maddie to just 4th wall turn to the camera and say
Also they’re talking
equality and consent which is super nice but can we also talk about not
breaking things with super strength oh and how sex even works.
Anyway they’re also
spotted by Donna’s daughter Cami who is getting more conflicted and still
really sad over her dead mother. Ryn tries to comfort her by taking her to her
mother’s grave but that’s not much comfort to Cami (would merfolk even have a
concept of graves?) who is completely focused on how humans killed her
mother and how angry she is about this - and how she thinks Ryn is too human
Which I get but didn’t we just have the message a few episodes ago that merfolk move on and don’t hold grudges which is why Levi and Ryn don’t really understand why Xander is still angry with them? For that matter we have Katrina running around a great big simmering body of anger and resentment? I love building an alien viewpoint and all but it has to be consistent!
Speaking of Katrina,
she’s all healed up and Xander still wants to make a deal with her - either way
she goes out to try and recruit the others to leave Ryn and come back to the
water: which starts with Cami (after Sarge says no).
Ryn does takes the
idea of equality to heart and when Helen brings a little food she insists that
the male merfolk eat at the same time as the women rather than waiting as they
usually do. An lo, presumably generations of cultural norms are defeated? For
that matter, if merfolk culture is so female dominated and in control shouldn’t
that have stood out more in season 1 when Ryn’s main point of contact was Ben?
When she started communicating more wouldn’t she focus more on Maddie? I love
creating alien cultures - but make them consistent!
Our journalist friend
is around to tell Ben that oil company is bad and doing more badness and it’s
all so very bad. Xander catches up with Ben to tell him that he’s totally
onside with stopping the badness and getting rid of the mermaids and telling
them all about Katrina. I think this begins with his trying to get his hands on
Levi but that kind of expands to genuine concern about the evil oil company
which will destroy his livelihood as well
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